
We are currently filming video testimonials from all of our patients and customers whop have used NeuroGen. for info please contact us.

Diabetic neuropathy

Post op recovery

“I had numbness in left hand. Had surgery and continued neurogen stopped about a month later, found that I had felt better in general so started to take it again. Stopped again after another bottle. Just started taking them again as I was having diabetic nerve pain in my feet and have no pain when I go too bed. Love NeuroGen and will be ordering again soon.”

- Joan Fogge

Nerve injury

Nerve regeneration

“I took NeuroGen per directions (6 tablets per day) for 2 months following my accident. My hand and arm were fully functional again after 8 weeks, although the neurologist at the hospital told me it could be "years" or never. I cannot say NeuroGen was the "cure", but I firmly believe it facilitated a more rapid nerve regeneration after the injury. I plan to order more as soon as my supply is gone. Thank you!”

- Robert Eiland

“As part of his practice, Dr. Fitzmaurice has developed a vitamin supplement (NeuroGen) that I started taking just prior to carpel tunnel surgery.  Not only has it aided in the healing process in my wrists, I immediately noticed an amazing boost in my energy level, which has been a terrific unexpected benefit.”

- Betty Gysegem

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Post op recovery

Nerve injury

Diffuse nerve pain

“Hi Doc,

Most of my injuries were the result of warfare in Viet Nam, I will not elaborate on all of them, but shall refer to some of them in a brief manner.

While parachuting in to a hot area in Yankee Zone the chute did not have time to deploy properly because of the low altitude opening required for this operation, I was taking a chance doing this but decided it was the best overall, I hit the trees hard, yes it hurt, I became tangled in the trees, but then the chute broke loose and I fell about twenty five to the ground and landed on my chest on a stump, flat fortunately, I determined that I had at least three broken ribs, but continued the OPS. Another time, different area, hot chute and I believe too much equipment, I landed very hard on my feet, it felt as though I was compressed a couple inches, it also hurt. Another time in the north, I was fast tracking at night away from the NVA, it was very, very dark, with several levels of canopy to assist in making it even darker, I was basically running blind through the jungle, all the sudden as I made another step, my leg never met the ground, I literally did a summersault or two, in the air and dropped on my back at the bottom of a canyon, yeah, it hurt too. Another time I was ascending a cliff, nothing to latch onto, just climbing up the rope, hook broke loose I guess, I fell backwards about twenty feet onto my back. It hurt. Enough of that, in civie life, my body took its toll from bronc riding to severally twisting my leg on a cliff. I have had problems with these injuries all throughout my life, but they became worst as I aged, doctors would prescribe pain medicine, but I don't do the drug thing. I was just living with it and not doing very good at that. Then one day I acquired a bottle of your NeuroGen, within a couple days I started noticing the differences, I could sleep, because the pain was not waking me up all night, the pain in my leg went away, the pain in my hip went away, almost every pain I had went away. By the time I finished the bottle I was feeling really good. Thanks Doc, I love this stuff.”

- Ed (Name withheld to respect our special forces)

Nerve injury


Diffuse nerve pain

I have total neuropathy and had started taking the supplement NeuroGen that Dr. Fitzmaurice invented for nerve replenishment. I can tell you without a doubt that this has helped me in my neuropathy (approx 80% better) and in other things that were going on in my body. i have found that nerve endings can effect a lot of areas in our bodies by just seeing the reaction in my own body. for one example; I had prostate cancer in 2006 and elected to have it completely removed which caused some incontinence and i struggled with this until NeuroGen kicked in. I have almost zero leakage since then. I feel like a new man in this area. Another example is some kind of of bumps/blisters on my scalp b ut i feel NeuroGen helped here also because this has come under control. Both of these areas i feel were being caused by the nerve endings in some way, i could be wrong because i am not a doctor, however i see what and how this supplement is helping me.

Thanks you Dr. Fitzmaurice for all you have done and do for your patients. I know a lot of study, schooling and time yoiu have put into your practice. I appreciate it all. Blessings to you, your family and staff.
— Jimmy Jones