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Tennis elbow - lateral epicondylitis

Adipose stem cells and Platelet rich plasma (PRP) (TenoRejuvenation®) for treatment of lateral epicondylosis (tennis elbow)

TenoRejuvenation® - Stem cell procedure for tennis elbow

Lateral epicondylosis is a painful condition of the lateral elbow. It is caused by the accumulation of microtears between the tendon origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and the periosteum of the lateral epicondyle. Signs and symptoms of this condition include pain and tenderness over the lateral elbow and is associated with weakness during gripping or lifting activity. Treatment options have included therapy, steroid injections and surgery. 

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a concentrated portion blood obtained through a small blood sample. This portion contains platelets and plays a large role in wound healing. Dr. Fitzmaurice has developed an optimal concentration of these platelets for the treatment of tendon pathology (TenoRejuvenation®). This procedure is performed in an office setting with minimal discomfort. 

Recently, several studies have demonstrated the use of a PRP injection is much more effective than steroid injections and can be just as effective if not more effective than surgery. Steroid injections typically have a short-term relief of symptoms of approximately 3 months. These injections do not enhance the healing and only diminish the pain temporarily. PRP injections can provide long term relief, successfully reducing symptoms in 87.5% of patients and reducing the need for surgery by 67% in studies with long term follow up of up to 2 years.

Steroid vs PRP for tennis elbow

Steroid injections have temporary pain relief (left side scale, 0 no pain, 10 worst pain). However, PRP injections have better and long-lasting relief after 2 months.