
  • Improved nerve regeneration

  • Improved nerve healing after injury

  • Decreased nerve pain

  • Improved nerve protection from injury

  • Improved nerve function

NeuroGen improves nerve regeneration and healing after nerve injury

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The most comprehensive and effective nerve support supplement available. Developed by peripheral nerve surgeon after years of research providing key ingredients at therapeutic levels which improve nerve function, decrease nerve pain, improves stem cell function, improves cell survival and decreases effect of age.

Cost savings of NeuroGen® / month

NeuroGen $79.00

individual ingredients $220.00

Savings using NeuroGen $141.00 / month

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Nerve injury can occur through several mechanisms; traumatic injuries such as a cut nerve or compression, chronic injury such as compression from carpal tunnel syndrome and neuropathy such as from diabetes or other medical conditions. Cell aging can also cause nerve injury. The nerve cell requires significant energy to maintain adequate function. This energy comes in the form of ATP produced in mitochondria. Injuries to the nerve cause decreased mitochondrial function and this can lead to further nerve injury if not corrected. Cells have an ability to heal after various injuries however this ability is reduced with age. Dr. Fitzmaurice has identified several key ingredients which improve the nerve cells ability to regenerate nerves as well as reduce the effect of age on nerve function. NeuroGen acts on various pathways of nerve cell function to maximize its ability to heal and decrease symptoms of nerve injury such as decreasing pain and improving strength and function. NeuroGen contains therapeutic  dosages of key ingredients such as R-Alpha lipoic acid, Acetyl L Carnitine, N Acetyl Cysteine, Methylcobalamin and Curcumin to optimize nerve cell function.

NeuorGen promotes nerve healing after injuries through several key mechanisms:


Decrease nerve pain

Ingredients  such as Acetyl L Carnitine, R alpha lipoic acid, curcumin and N Acetyl Cysteine given in a therapeutic dose as found in NeuroGen can relieve nerve pain after injury such as nerve compression. This is just as effective as prescriptions such as gabapentin and not only helps relieve pain but also promotes healing of the nerve and surrounding supportive tissue (myelin sheath). The prescription medications typically given by providers only treat the pain and do not support actually healing of the injured nerve.

Maintaining optimal mitochondrial function

NeuroGen contains key anti-oxidants which decrease oxidative stress but also increase anti-oxidant levels to improve and maintain mitochondrial function.


Improves protective covering of nerves

The Myelin sheath is a protective covering of the nerve cell. This sheath is destroyed with nerve injures. When the sheath is injured or destroyed it causes decreased nerve function. NeuroGen rebuilds this critical component of nerve cell function.


Decreases wallerian degeneration

This is the process nerve cell degeneration that occurs distal (the end part of the nerve) to an injury crush as a cut nerve or compression. NeuroGen decreases this damage and improves the nerve regeneration process.

Increases Nerve growth factor (NGF)

NGF is a neuropeptide involved in the growth, as well as the maintenance and survival of nerve cells. NeuroGen increases the amount of NGF in nerves and also increases the ability of neurons to bind to this important growth factor.