
Shoulder pain

ArthroRejuvenation® and TenoRejuvenation®Stem cell procedures for treatment of a variety of shoulder pain issues including arthritis and rotator cuff injury.

Shoulder pain

Patients suffering from joint or tendon pain in the shoulder are candidates for our BioMed Rejuvenation stem cell therapy.  This includes arthritis of the shoulder as well as rotator cuff injuries.

Rotator cuff injury

The rotator cuff is a series of muscles and their associated tendons that surround the shoulder and provide stability and help with motion. A suspected injury is usually diagnosed a history of pain and weakness in the shoulder and then can be confirmed with an MRI. Unfortunately, surgery for rotator cuff can have re-tear rates as high as 60% and may require another surgery up to 34.7% of the time. A history of cortisone injections often leads to increase risk of complications after surgery. 

Shoulder joint pain - arthritis

Shoulder joint pain has typically been treated with steroid injections which unfortuntely offer temporary relief and actually cause more damage to the joint with repeated injections. Surgical options such as joint replacements have a high complication rate as well as often require additional surgery in up to 22% of cases. Patients often have persistent pain which can occur in up to 25% of cases.

Stem cell treatments

Regenerative medicine treatment incorporating stem cells is an effective non surgical option for treating shoulder pain. Dr. Fitzmaurice has taught stem cell harvesting techniques from both bone marrow and adipose tissue. We currently obtain the best results and highest quality of stem cells from performing a mini liposuction technique and harvesting stem cells from abdominal fat. We also utilize a patient’s blood (PRP) and occasionally also use cryopreserved umbilical cord tissue to enhance the results depending on the pathology. The stem cells are injected under ultrasound guidance to target the specific injury site. Activity is limited for the first two weeks then slowly increased. Most patients only need a single treatment however everyone is closely monitored to see if a second booster injection of either PRP or umbilical cord tissue is required to enhance the results. The stem cells act a signaling cells and secrete messaging signals to improve function of nearby cells. This creates a healing environment which can heal cartilage, tendon and ligaments. Most patients (> 80%) achieve significant improvement in symptoms and function by 3 months.